Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We're Filed!

Okay, if there is anyone out there who still bothers to check this - so sorry I haven't posted! It's funny, I think I really missed me good window to write this blog. The real good posts, the time I really needed to pour out my heart about the HIV issue - that was all back in April, May and June. Before we decided to adopt AJ or Helen. Nonetheless, perhaps there is still something to share. But I'm kicking myself now for not keeping a journal during that time...

MORE IMPORTANTLY - We have great news! We found out yesterday that our case was filed in Ethiopia! That means that (hopefully!) we'll know our court date in about 10 days, that the date will be by the end of November (hope hope hope) and we might actually still travel by the end of the year!

A few months ago I was SO sure we'd have our kids home before Christmas. But once the court oopened and weeks passed with no news, I really lost all hope. And still no guaranties. In fact, if we are LUCKY we'll actually be IN Ethipia for Christmas. Kind of a crazy thought.

I know Lulu will not be happy if we leave her for Xmas. But I think that may have a great deal to do with her concern that Santa won't find her at Uncle Chuck's. Hopefuly all of that will be a non-issue.

We are so excited! Still months away, but feels so much better to know something. This was a big step for us - can't wait until we have more to share!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well for you. I adopted an HIV+ boy last year and haven't looked back. We now live in central Europe but like you I have to maintain some anonymity. Do take a look at my blog for more info.

Best of luck

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
